Conversation over lunch

B. It’s strange isn’t it?

G. What?

B. That we are not spending much time in the garden this lockdown.

G. That’s not strange. It’s these beastly winds – no, not winds – gales. Who wants to be out there battling them?

B. And the temperatures I suppose…still in single digits mid morning.

G. And our general feeling of gloom now that Covid has hit again.

B. And the early dark. But we do go for our daily walks, so why not garden?

G. Because our walk’s our one chance to be out in the world. See something new. See another human.

B. Nevertheless we’ve become fair weather gardeners I’m afraid.

G. Come on. Only last week I planted those two garlic cloves that sprouted in the kitchen and they’re doing nicely.

B. And I did scatter some left over rocket seeds I found at the bottom of the basket – and they’ve come up too.

G. So there’s hope for us yet. Sunset is already after 5. Just hurry up, spring. We need you.

July 2021