Conversation over dinner
B. It sure is an uphill struggle trying to be politically correct…quite literally now.
G.You’re referring to our new water tank and the hose aren’t you?
B. I can’t believe I’ve always taken mains water pressure so much for granted.
G. Don’t worry. We’ll buy a little pump. That’ll do the trick.
B. That’s a black mark in itself. Electricity.
G. But we’ll still get brownie points for harvesting our rain water.
B. Not much longer for recycling though. That compost heap has to go. Fruit flies I can live with. But not rats!
G. We’ll easily get rid of the rats.
B. What if we poison the possum instead? That’d really blow our credibility rating.
G. At least we no longer have an incinerator. That gives us a big tick.
B. Ah, I miss that incinerator so much. The smoke billowing up each weekend. The flames licking. I loved chucking in the branches, tidying things up. A green bin’s just not the same.
G. Erase such thoughts from your mind. We’re politically correct now, remember.
May 2018