Conversation over dinner


B. Weren’t those bonsais we saw at the National Arboretum impressive?

G. Of course. The whole intention is to impress, isn’t it?

B. That’s a bit harsh. I loved them. The miniature shapes. The pots. The moss. Some in Japan are 800 years old I hear.

G. So how would you like to have your feet bound for 800 years? And your arms wired so they stick out just so?

B. Hold on there. Plants don’t want to walk. And plants don’t feel pain.

G. All I see is distorted bushes. Clip clip, twist twist. It’s all about power, about domination. Grow the way I want, bush. Same with topiary.

B. Come on. These people are artists, garden artists.

G. I tend to think of them as control freaks.

B. So are you a control freak every time you mow the lawn?

G. Oh, that’s different. That’s just giving it a haircut.

B. Mmm. Seems facts are OK to be distorted, but not bushes.

July 2018