Amusing the grandkids: create a carrot basket

You’ll have to from scratch with this one because you need a good sized carrot with its foliage attached and I haven’t seen such a carrot in the supermarket for years (only the tiny Dutch ones pictured here). So. Grow a row of carrots. When one gets to substantial size, pull it and cut it off about 5 cm from the top, leaving all the green foliage on the stump. Hollow the stump out until it becomes a little bowl. Hang it upside down near a window. Fill the little bowl with water. Soon the green fronds will start curving gracefully upwards forming a pretty green hanging basket, thus demonstrating to the kids that a plant will always defy gravity and grow with the stems up.
November 2018
Answers to QQ11.
(a) Giverny (b) Versailles (c) Sissinghurst (d) Monticello (e) Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne