Amusing the smaller grandkids

A few kid-friendly plants in the garden can help pass the time on days when you are chief baby-sitter. Here’s a few suggestions:
Honeysuckle: fun to bite the ends off the flowers and suck out the honey.
Fuchsias: little girls can twirl the flowers like ballerinas.
Lamb’s ears: stroking the felty leaves of Stachys lanata feels just like stroking a lamb’s ear.
Impatiens: the seed pods of busy lizzies pop satisfactorily when ripe.
Snapdragons: squeeze the flowers and they open their mouths like dragons.
Bamboo: the dry sheaths of the stem make wonderful long witches’ fingernails.
Trigger plants: touch the flowers of Stylidium and they magically explode to spread pollen.
March 2019