Conversation over breakfast
B. This article I’m reading says we should only grow what’s native to our area.
G. If everyone took that advice, we wouldn’t have jacarandas … rhododendrons … roses … anything.
B. It’d be sad, true.
G. It would wipe out a thousand years of human cultivation.
B. They claim such gardens are more sustainable. No watering.
G. Spare me from politically correct types. Always bossing other people around.
B. That’s a bit harsh. They are just trying to save the world.
G. You can be a purist without shoving your ideas onto other people. Like those who grow only plants mentioned in the Bible. Or others who grow just one thing, like camellias. They do their own thing but they don’t lecture everyone else to do the same.
B. Hold on. You’re the one that’s always fuming against people who chop down trees.
G. Ah, but I just rant to you, not them. Being broadminded, my philosophy is each to his own.
B. Oh la la. And not half smug about it too.
December 2019