Conversation over dinner
B. Would you believe, I can’t find the little gardening fork again.
G. It’ll turn up. It always does.
B. It’s not so much the fork that bugs me. It’s my failing eyesight.
G. That’s one advantage of being old. Think of all the things you don’t notice now.
B. Like what?
G. The peeling paint on the front fence. That the lawn needs a mow. The galloping fishbone fern.
B. Mmmm. That packet of seeds you bought when you wanted snow peas that was sweet peas when you got home and put on your glasses?
G. Anyone can make the occasional mistake.
B. Next you’ll be telling me it’s good we’re going a bit deaf.
G. Yes, I will. There’s lots of sounds I’m glad I don’t hear now.
B. Like what?
G. That yappy dog up the back. Next door’s gurgling pool vacuum. The kookaburras at 5 a.m.
B. Mmmm. The phone?
G. Well you can’t win ’em all.
January 2018