Conversation over dinner
G. They say gardening is great for us oldies’ health.
B. Mmm. They didn’t rick their back pruning the olive tree.
G. It’s the gentle exercise, they say.
B. Would they classify you trying to stand up after kneeling down weeding as gentle exercise?
G. Very funny. I certainly felt fit after hammering in those tomato stakes last weekend.
B. I suppose we can be thankful your splinters didn’t go septic. Not like that gash on your leg last month. Does taking a trip to the GP count as exercise?
G. Ha ha again. Anyway, exercise is only part of it. They say just being outdoors in the fresh air is good for oldies’ health.
B. Oh, they’d be right there, wouldn’t they? Bitten by the mozzies and the March flies? Limping from that ankle sprained on a stump? Sunburnt? And what about that little cough of yours?
G. Come off it. That’s only in spring. And only when those fibres from the plane tree blow about.
B. Ah, the therapeutic outdoors.
April 2018